学术顾问 advocate for student success by 支持ing the advising relationship between student and faculty advisors, 连接学生与资源, and providing 支持 in moments of academic challenge.
教师顾问 serve as the primary academic advising relationship for students. 的y offer overall guidance for students and specifically oversee the major and minor requirements completed by students.
Student financial services counselor or financial services coordinators 帮助处理学生账户, 并回答有关FAFSA的问题, 奖学金及助学金, 和学费.
的 居住生活小组 includes residence life coordinators (RLCs), 驻地顾问(RAs), 学生事工协调员(SMCs), 大厅会议.
退伍军人及其家属 资源 include a Vet Corp Navigator to serve veterans with questions, 支持, and services through the Washington Department of 退伍军人 Affairs.
This is the place to find links to 独联体帮助台, Canvas, 和更多的. Find 答案 to your basic digital questions and get connected with departments on campus that can help 支持 you as a student.
学习中心 offers guidance/资源 to help you succeed through academic coaching, free small-group and drop-in tutoring for selected classes, private-pay辅导, 学习技巧研讨会和课程.
残疾支援服务 适用于 有体检记录的学生, 医疗, 心理, and/or learning disability to arrange needed academic accommodations.
的 图书馆 offers an array of services to aid undergraduate study and research. Both on campus and off, you can access materials and 支持 for your academic needs.
研究,阅读和写作工作室 serves students seeking to read, write, and research better at any stage of the writing process. Writing assistants are available starting the second week of each quarter.
学术咨询办公室 helps students achieve their educational goals by providing strategic 资源, 宣传, 和访问.
- 学术顾问 details your academic advising team, and the ways they help you achieve your academic goals.
- 学生资源 includes information about planning for next quarter, 计算你的GPA, 建议课程顺序, 研究了, 还有更多.
司法常务官办公室 支持s students academically through areas such as registration, 课程目录, 成绩单, 转移信贷评估, 度评估, 学习成绩, 退伍军人服务. A great list of 资源 they offer students can be found 在这里.
出国留学 能为你打开世界吗. 访问 the website for short-term and quarter- and semester-long opportunities, and learn about the first steps to make international education part of your college experience.
职业加速课程 are online continuing education courses that can elevate your career and skills on your schedule, 每道菜只需250美元.
职业和职业中心 is w在这里 you can talk to career and vocation counselors, 寻求他人的帮助, 查找实习信息, 建立雇主关系, 为你的求职找到策略.
握手 SPU的招聘板在哪里, 包括校内和校外的工作, 工读职位, 以及当地志愿者的机会. It also increases your exposure to national and global opportunities.
帮助猎鹰飞翔 matches students with alumni and professionals offering short-term projects, 工作, 实习, 模拟面试, 或者信息性面试.
导师计划 connects you with professionals in your chosen industry who can give you informed insight on what a specific industry entails.
学生就业办公室 答案 students questions about on- and off-campus employment, as well as work-study eligibility.
配电板 connects with the SPU network to conduct your job search, 中文网的建议, 寻找校友, 和其他同学交流.
猎鹰卡服务 is home of the Falcon Card, your campus ID. This card permits access to campus buildings and can be used for meal-plan use, 猎鹰基金的交易, SPU图书馆特权, 以及参加校园活动的资格. 如果丢失或损坏,请访问 猎鹰卡服务办事处 如需更换(须缴付费用).
国际学生服务 assists students with their non-immigrant status including visa concerns, 课程实践训练, optional practical training authorization, 文化上的调整, 和一般的支持.
多民族的程序 支持s students from racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse backgrounds and identities. Provides students with opportunities to build community, 连接资源, 培养成为领导者.
安全与安保办公室 provides parking permits, ORCA cards, and commuter information. 24小时开放并配备人员, OSS also offers a walking or vehicle escort 24 hours a day, 一年365天, 妇女自卫讲习班, 和更多的.
学生财务服务 答案 你的经济援助问题, 赌博十大靠谱软件付款和账单的问题, 贷款, 奖助金, 奖学金, 以及最重要的FAFSA表格.
学生参与及领导 is committed to offering you a full range of social, educational, and enrichment opportunities. Find information about student clubs, get involved with a student organization, 还有更多.
学生会大楼 is w在这里 you’ll find the Unicom desk, which is w在这里 you can check out bus and swim passes. Several food options and lots of tables and a place to hang out. 的 ASSP offices are 在这里, and you can check out a bus pass.
大学的部门 在很多方面装备学生. Our aim is holistic formation in students — spiritually, intellectually, and vocationally.
俱乐部及活动 are a great way to get involved and meet students who share your interests.
卫生服务 is staffed with nurse practitioners who offer primary care, 可以诊断, 写处方, 可以把你推荐到专科诊所, 如果需要.
校内的 include everything from Ultimate Frisbee to basketball to Zumba. Getting involved in intramurals at SPU just might be one of the highlights of your quarter.
学生辅导中心 为您提供各种各样的服务, from crisis intervention and health or nutritional counseling to relationship and group counseling, 精神病的评估, 磋商, 和教育.
学生财务健康 provides information about emergency help, 预算资源, 食物和住房资源, 和更多的 to help prevent the financial stresses that can lead to anxiety and depression.