French is a primary language in parts of Western Europe, North and West Africa, 加勒比海, 和魁北克省. French is also an official language used in many international organizations including the United Nations, the European Union, 联合国教科文组织, 北约, the International Olympic Committee, and Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders).
If you’re interested in international relief work, international business, or international political affairs, French is an ideal language for you to study at 西雅图 Pacific University.
The minor in French and Francophone Studies offers an opportunity to study not only the French language, but also the broader Francophone world: nations, 地区, and people who use French as their primary language for business, 政府, 或教育.
You may enter the minor during your first quarter at SPU. Entrance after your first quarter requires only good academic standing (2.0 or higher SPU cumulative GPA). 查阅 undergraduate catalog
for complete information on how and when to enter and what you must do to complete the program.